A tagset is a list of part-of-speech tags (POS tags for short), i.e. labels used to indicate the part of speech and sometimes also other grammatical categories (case, tense etc.) of each token in a text corpus.

Amharic part-of-speech tagset is available in Amharic corpora annotated with the TreeTagger tool trained on manual annotation of Amharic 1065 news items containing 210,000 prosodic words. The manual annotation was developed by the Ethiopian Languages Research Center of Addis Ababa University

Amharic available corpora in Sketch Engine

Amharic text corpora in Sketch Engine

Sketch Engine offers search Amharic text corpus.

An Example of a tag in the CQL concordance search box[tag="PRON.*"]finds all pronouns , e.g. ይህ, ምን (note: please make sure that you use straight double quotation marks)


Basic class Definition of the tag Code of the tag
Noun Verbal/ infinitival Noun, formed from any verb form such as active, passive, and repetitive, by attaching the prefix m(ä)- VN
Any noun including verbal noun attached with a preposition NP
Any noun including verbal noun attached with conjunction NC
Any noun including verbal noun with a proclitic preposition and an enclitic conjunction NPC
Any other noun; simple or derived N
Pronoun Pronoun attached with preposition PRONP
Pronoun attached with conjunction PRONC
Pronoun with a proclitic preposition and an enclitic conjunction PRONPC
Any other Pronoun PRON
Verb Auxiliary verb AUX
Relative verb VREL
Any Verb including relative verbs and auxiliaries attached with preposition VP
Any Verb including relative verbs and auxiliaries attached with conjunction VC
Any Verb including relative verbs and auxiliaries with a proclitic preposition and an enclitic conjunction VPC
Verb (all other) V
Adjective Adjective attached with preposition ADJP
Adjective attached with conjunctions ADJC
Adjective with a proclitic preposition and an enclitic conjunction ADJPC
Any other Adjective ADJ
Preposition Preposition PREP
Conjunction Conjunction CONJ
Adverb Adverb ADV
Numeral Cardinal NUMCR
Ordinal NUMOR
Numeral (cardinal or ordinal) attached with preposition NUMP
Numeral (cardinal or ordinal) attached with conjunction NUMC
Numeral (cardinal or ordinal) with a proclitic preposition and an enclitic conjunction NUMPC
Interjection Interjections INT
Punctuation Punctuation PUNC
Unclassified Unclassified UNC


Demeke, G. A., & Getachew, M. (2006). Manual annotation of Amharic news items with part-of-speech tags and its challengesEthiopian Languages Research Center Working Papers2, 1-16.